(Click the photo above to see entire catalog)

We take great pride in being sure the wheels you order are the right size and spec for your car. Wheelsmith is a family-run company that personally takes your order and ensures the wheels for your car are exactly what you want.
Call us at 800-854-8937
We specialize in made-to-order hot rod wheels, classic wire wheels, steel wheels, and custom aluminum wheels manufactured in our 20,000 square foot facility in Corona, California. The catalog includes; 2-piece steel wheels, such as: Smoothies, Rallye style, Artillery style, OEM style, and Vintage, Cadillac wire wheels, Ford wire wheels, T-bird wire wheels, and cast or billet aluminum wheels.
Wheelsmith Wheel Lines Include Custom And Standard Sized
Wire, Rallye, Billet, Smoothie, Steel, Artillery, Vintage and OEM Wheels.
Wheelsmith has over 50 years of experience in custom wheel fabrication.
We know how to make your wheels fit your car and look their best.